Monday, August 15, 2011

Upcoming School Year in Focus: Faith & Religion

My oldest has been using the Faith & Life series for the last four years.  We have enjoyed the series in the past but she asked if we could try something different this year.  All of our selections are new to us, with the exception of the St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism.  I've tried to make choices that will be appealing and heartfelt by each of them.

Monday:  Each of my older four children will read one lesson from their catechism book per week.  The girls will read from the St. Joseph Baltimore Catechisms 1 & 2.  The little boys will follow the Illustrated Catechism for Little Children with me; I'm so excited to have learned about this one.  It's just perfect for my boys.

Tuesday:  At breakfast time I will read a story from Angel Food for Boys & Girls Volume 1 & 2 that corresponds with the catechism lessons.  I'll close with a poem or prayer from either A Child's Book of Prayers Illustrated by Michael Hague or A Child's Book of Prayers edited by Linda Yeatman (both are beautifully illustrated, the second one has a greater selection of prayers, psalms and poems).  These are both such sweet books that I actually intend to read a selection from one every morning.  I hope we can use this time for reflection before starting our day.

Wednesday:  This will be their copywork day.  My selections will be from prayers and/or the weeks readings. Nice and short lesson, remember I'm looking for perfect execution.  How much gets written will depend on each child.  My first grader might just do one line of Our Father each week, but my third grader might accomplish the whole prayer in one session.  My oldest will concentrate her writing efforts on Wednesdays in her SCM bible study journal (readings scheduled for Thursdays).

Thursday:   This day will be an individual time for everyone.  My oldest will be working through Simply Charlotte Mason's Jashub's Journal, An Old Testament Law Story (using her own new bible).  My third grader will be reading Child's Bible History.  My oldest read this in second grade and needed a lot of help from me, so I've held off having my third grader read it.  This might not be the best selection for her and if I can find something else I'll consider switching it, but I do appreciate introducing her to this.  My younger boys will listen to bible stories from Tomei DePaola's Book of Bible Stories picture book;  he is a  favorite author around here.  My third grader will orally narrate to me from this reading selection once a week.  The younger boys can choose to make a drawing in their copywork notebooks after a story is complete.

I don't set a specific time for hymns because both my girls are members of our Parish's children's choir which meets once a week the entire school year.  I love to hear them praise once a month at our 9:00 o'clock mass and at any special events or masses through out the year.  There is always one new hymn they delight in.

I brought this Mary & Child back from our Guatemala Trip.
I'd also like to continue our Feast and Holy Day Teas.  For the last few years we have very much enjoyed celebrating the Liturgical year with a small tea time.  I always pick a nice picture book about the Saint or Liturgical time we are celebrating  to go along with a themed gathering.  I have to admit, our selection for St. Valentine earlier this year required a whole weeks worth of tea time.  In the end the kids enjoyed the story and the different pastry selections ; )

This is a subject that is very much a part of our living education.  Our faith is strong; we want our children to appreciate, recognize and be raised by it.  Just a few more posts ... Science & Nature next.


Homeschooling6 said...

ooh, that Faith and Life series looks good! Looks like you are really getting organized (something I need to do).

Eva said...

We tried the "Faith and Life" series, but then switched our oldest to "Living My Religion" and the girls to "Seton Religion" plus the Baltimore Catechism. We do the "Knecht Bible Study" in grade 3 -- I think that grade 2 is too early. By the way, Seton has a nice way of organizing their religion. I like to follow their saint recommendations and also their Bible studies. I also thought I might mention The Catechism in Examples. It has a story for each point of the catechism. There is also the Treasury of Catechism Stories for older students, say grade 5.

Shirley Ann said...

Thanks for sharing Jenny. I love your idea for Feast and Holy Day teas!
Shirley Ann

Jenny said...

Linda, Faith & Life served us well, I was happy with it.

I'll have to check out your suggestions Eva.

Shirley Ann, We really enjoyed Tea & Cakes with the Saints by Alice Cantrell. Nice ideas and very feminine.