Thursday, December 15, 2011

Little Keepers Christmas Tea

We hosted our Little Keepers Christmas tea today.  Our youngest four year old Little Keeper was absolutely beaming the whole time.  I think it was her first official tea ; )  The girls also missed two of their friends so we hope to really do this again next year ... maybe for springtime.

But for the menu this afternoon we served:

Orange & Cranberry Cream Cheese Cucumber Sandwiches
Sugar sprinkled cranberries and orange slices
Brocolli and Bacon Quiche Christmas Tree
Candy Cane Chocolate Frosting Cake
Chocolate covered Almonds
Our drinks included apple cider and some yummy Cranberry Orange Tea from Culinary Teas with chocolate covered peppermint sticks on the side. 

Some ambiance provided by last years hand made ornaments and this lovely lighted present:

Before serving tea the girls began their second embroidery stitch: satin stitch.  Then we moved on to practice some of the manners we've been learning about from our Emily Post's The Guide to Good Manners for Kids at the table.  During tea we also enjoyed some nice conversation and some poetry readings from another favorite author and illustrator: Joan Walsh Anglund.  Her depiction of children is so sweet and appropriate for the little ones. We read from her A Christmas Book.

It was a pleasant afternoon.  The girls do enjoy just being girls.  We were quickly reminded, though, that there were a total of five little boys lurking in the boys room.  They held out as much as they could before invading our Tea Party : D


Serena said...

Sounds lovely, boy invasion and all. :)

Unknown said...

How NICE!!! :) Love your menu! :)

Collette said...

Hi, Jenny!

Thanks for your kind comment on my blog :) This is my first time stopping by, and I'm glad I did!

I really enjoyed your book recommendations...LOVE Real Learning...nature study...Liturgical Calendar :)

I am looking forward to coming back to read a little more, once the holiday busy-ness is through!

Have a Blessed Christmas!