Saturday, March 24, 2012

Birds and Eggs part 2

I couldn't end the week without posting some pictures of another great experience we had Monday afternoon.  My kids love visiting some good friends of ours and hanging out in their backyard.  Without fail every time we leave I get the usual "why can't we get some?"  My response is always "I wish we could, but we're still trying to get grass on the bottom part of our yard so I don't think Dad wants to get going on building us a great looking chicken coop for chickens anytime soon." For now, we enjoy our play dates.

With our new found interest in birds, we decided  our play date this past Monday would have just a tad of informal structure.  The girls brought their nature journals, the boys were ready to listen and our friends were more than ready to give us a lesson or two about their chickens:  where they sleep, what they eat, where they lay their eggs, why their eggs will never be chicks, how you clean and preserve the eggs before eating them, and of course what kind of chickens they have (Rhode Island Red, Plymouth Rock, and White Brahma).  I can't remember all their names but I do recall they all have very cute names like Henny Penny and Eggbert.

Our wonderful friends!
My kids couldn't help themselves; they just have to hold them every time too:

Then we went inside and got to look at their eggs even closer.  They haven't figured out what chicken lays which egg but they have noticed a pattern in the eggs appearance, color and size.  Can you see those speckles on there:

They were very kind to share a dozen of their eggs and lots of information with us.  My kids had them for breakfast Friday morning faster than I could grab my camera ; D   Here's one last shot; I just loved my friends chicken wire egg basket!  I think I want one...hmm, that might mean I'll have to get the chickens to go with it :-O


Eva said...

Such a clean looking chicken coop! And what a great way to learn about chickens. We used to get eggs from free roaming chickens, but now they are not for sale anymore. They were so good!

Jenny said...

Oh yes, her coop is just so neat! The idea of having fresh eggs all the time keeps me thinking about having some chickens of our own ; )