It is hard to believe we are close to the end of April. Spring is blooming around here and I've been meaning to post about our spring nature table. No surprise, my kids have really enjoyed our bird watching so after Lent I decided to take down the crosses and decorate our board with a beautiful set of California bird eggs & a few nests.
A few months back I found an Etsy shop (oneeyedog) that had ornamental bird eggs. I contacted the owner and asked if she could send me the eggs with the corresponding bird names. She was kind enough to suggest creating a set of popular California bird eggs just for us. They turned out just wonderful, thanks Scarlett:
And as you know, the table couldn't be complete without our book basket filled with some great titles:
- In the Nest by Anna Milbourne and Laurence Cleyet-Merle
And our field guides:
Like I mentioned at the beginning of this post: the kids have been enjoying watching the birds in our backyard and are starting to branch out into learning about their eggs and even becoming fascinated with their nests. Here are some gorgeous birds we've been able to catch in our backyard with our camera this spring: