Friday, August 12, 2011

Upcoming School Year In Focus: History

I've been debating on the best way to write this post for myself and anyone who might be curious about what we're doing this upcoming year.  The reason I've struggled with it is because it has become clear that there are subjects in which I can and do combine siblings.  So, rather than explain each child's schedule, I'll break it up into a few posts about subjects and attempt to define who will use what materials within them.  I'm still working on this so please keep in mind that I may peel layers if things don't seem to be working.  I also apologize if it seems a bit confusing but hopefully you can at least enjoy looking through some of the links to the books will use.  I'll pick the meatier subjects first, the posts will get smaller ; ) .

Top of one of the Ancient Ruins in Yahxa, Guatemala;  from our April trip.
 We'll cover Ancients this year.  My goal is to get us to maybe early Romans.  I won't hold my breath, we want to savor.  I will have a very involved & advanced 6th grader,  a young 3rd grader, a 1st grader, a young kindergartner and a couple of preschoolers (thus the picture book & craft days).  I'm not expecting much from the younger four, I really just hope to fill some enjoyable time with them. 

Monday:  As a family, I will read aloud from A Picturesque Tale of Progress as a weekly starting point spine.  I love the illustrations for the younger audience and the language/content for my oldest (be warned there may be some n*dity or bear bre*sts).  Also, since my oldest is a voracious reader and a middle schooler, she will on her own read as a spine Dorothy Mills' The Book of the Ancient World and The Book of the Ancient Greeks

Tuesday:  For our craft Tuesday we will work our way through some History Pockets: Egypt, Greece, Greek Myths, Ancient Civilizations and my friend is letting us borrow The Story of the World Activity book.  On Tuesday we will also read  from Modern Rhymes about Ancient Times by Susan Altman while they work on their craft.

Wednesday:  We're calling it Picture Book Wednesday.  I've picked one book a week relating to our readings for our term 1 (I still need to work on term 2 & 3).  I'm sure one of those terms will pretty much be covered by D'aulaire's Book of Greek Myths and Hawthorne's Tanglewood Tales.  I should mention that my oldest will have several appropriate middle school age books to choose from as well;  she's not required to listen to our picture books, but she usually does. She enjoys picking from the list I give her and will likely get through at least 12 additional books on Ancients. (Through out the year I'll post on the side bar her current read.)  These are our term 1 picture book choices, some really intended more for my 3rd grader:

Picture Books
Term 1: Ancient Egypt

Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9-11:
Thursday: This will be our language arts day; a time slot set aside for them to work on any written work. My oldest will continue with her Book of Centuries, one oral and one written narration is required per week from her for this subject.  We'll have group narrations on PToP after reading on Mondays, but the younger ones will keep a copywork notebook they'll work on this day.

Friday: Friday's I've set aside for a family fun read aloud, for term 1 it will be Boy of the Pyramids (yet to choose term 2 & 3).  This will also be our DVD day for those lazy after park day afternoons.  Our choices:

DVD’s to Watch:
Joseph: King of Dreams
Prince of Egypt
Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs (IMAX)
Nefertiti Resurrected
Time Life’s: Lost Civilizations
The Mummy: Quest for the Lost Scrolls

Now here is something I'm playing with and I'm not sure yet where to fit it in.  I really want to also cover a second strand of National History.  I know this is something Charlotte Mason encouraged.  My thoughts are to pick a few D'aulaire biographies and some picture books to schedule around certain holidays.  I'm still working on this schedule.  I envision having a U.S. History basket which will include our selected books and readings.

Whew ... that's history for the family!  Up next, will be Geography.


Silvia said...

Jenny, it looks fantastic! I know you'll love your history year.
That basket idea sounds great, and one history thing a week is imo very doable.
Good luck!


Eva said...

I used the Mills' book on Ancient Greece with my son in fifth grade and he really liked it.

Jenny said...

Thanks Silvia & Eva for the encouragement!

Eva said...

I thought I would add one more author, who isn't so well known here, but is very good. He is a German Catholic and his name is Hans Baumann. One of his translated books is about Egypt. I read him as a child and loved his books.

Serena said...

These plans look great! I love the way you are combining everyone at their own level. That is what I have done with the boys for the past years but am planning on spliting them up this year. It makes me have me rethinking things now.
I'll definitely be checking out some of these great books too! Thanks for sharing all of your hard work. :)

Jenny said...

Eva, I've never heard of him. I'll have to look it up.

Thanks Serena, I really debated about letting her do her own thing this year. But I guess I really enjoyed watching my girls connect last year; that I just have to try a few of these subjects one more time. ; )

Charlotte Mason in the City said...

You went to Guatamala this year?! Oh, I wish I could have tagged along. :)

We are currently reading a book your oldest might enjoy: Discovering Tut-ankh-Amen's Tomb, edited by Shirley Glubok. The book is text and photos from Howard Carter, the man who lead the archeology team who discoveret Tut's tomb. Carter clearly LOVES his work and his enthusiasm is contagious. (Glubok is a wonderful author of art history book, and has some books about the art of ancient peoples that might be worth looking into....not that you need more stuff to do! You have a great plan already!)

Enjoy your studies!