Tuesday, February 19, 2013

President's Day Hike

We've been really good about keeping up with at least one weekly trek.  Unfortunately, I haven't been so good about posting our pictures.  Yesterday was such a beautiful day that I just had to come in here and share.  We teamed up with friends and headed to one of our favorite spots; taking a flatter and certainly more scenic trail this time.  Enjoy!


Don't know if you see the same symbolism as I did when I took the pictures or if it's just my very sensitive heart being immersed in the season of Lent, but oh the emotions ...


Celeste said...

Lovely! Yes, the symbolism is striking--though I have to say that around here, we're getting buds and blossoms and it's feeling oddly Easter-like outdoors in the midst of this Lenten season. (I'm sure you know what I mean--you're in CA too, correct? :)) I have been trying to do a regular post on our weekly nature study meet-up with friends, and I find that going through the photos in the process of putting together that post often strikes me in ways I didn't expect--the views, specimens, etc. look different than they did "in the field" when I'm looking at them in hindsight through my camera lens. :)

Jenny said...

Hi Celeste, yes, we're in Southern Ventura County area. It is hard not to see spring coming around here too ; ) I have a hard time not posting all the shots I take, lol.