Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gardeners, Not Really

You have to allow me to laugh at  myself when it comes to growing things.  I've read the posts, seen the pictures, own every Sharon Lovejoy book; but I was not born with a green thumb.  That doesn't stop the kids and I from trying though.  Since our newly discovered love for the outdoors we've made an honest whole hearted effort to plant a garden.  Our old house had a strict keep out of the yard rule;  you see my husband does have a green thumb.  Every year we reaped the rewards with fresh fruit.  He actually had about 11 different fruit trees in the back yard, the kids loved it.  Well, two years ago we moved to a bigger house with a small hill in the backyard.  It is very nicely separated into three sections by some wood work and stones.  He gave us the green light to a section on the very top of the hill.  The kids and I got right to work:  clearing it of weeds, leveling it, and dividing it for our seeds with pretty brick and wood borders.  We worked really hard.
Looks great huh,  well just as soon as we started to actually see some vegetables in the garden; they started to disappear.  Again, let me laugh at myself.  I am a city girl born and bred.  I had no idea how many little critters run around on clear hillsides.  And let me tell you they loved our selection.  One of my girls was following her pumpkin seeds and ritualistically recording its progress in her nature journal:

She didn't get to see her pumpkins fully grown.  This year with the inspiration from another little book called Onions in My Boots by Nancy Nicholson;  we decided to try again. We used some containers, drilled holes and planted our seeds.  Then took chicken wire and covered the wood frame.  Then took some netting and covered the top.  I love our nature friends but we hope this will keep them out:

It is a much smaller garden and many less seed variations, but we really would like to enjoy the end products.  My nature journal girl has been watering everyday since we put this together last week.  Her four year old brother was so excited to see a first bud today:  from his bin mind you.

Inspired post today, thanks J.  : )

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